PROBLEM: Health inequity is present throughout all levels of global healthcare and is reflected in disparities in length of life, quality of life, rates of disease and mortality, and access to care based upon socially determined circumstances. The global health community often lacks visibility into these issues, and therefore achieving health equity remains a challenge.

SOLUTION:'s social and environmental determinants of health (SDOH) solutions support the objective and exhaustive study of broad sets of SDOH that contribute to inequity. Additionally our SDOH solutions identify the needs of the most vulnerable members of society afflicted with chronic disease, infectious disease, and natural or man-made disasters.

SDOH Risk Index

SDOH Risk Index

It is an inescapable fact that social and environmental factors have profound effects on a person’s health, creating both positive and negative outcomes. These myriad non-biological factors, intertwined in the fabric of our society and able to curtail years off of a person’s life expectancy are referred to as “social determinants of health” or SDOH. The Risk Index identifies the populations at higher risk of adverse health outcomes based on the prevalence of SDOH factors.

View our SDOH Risk Index
Opioid Abuse Related Mortality

Opioid Abuse Related Mortality

Our patented approach allows you to explore the influence of Social Determinants of Health on Opioid Abuse Related Mortality across the U.S.

Coming Soon!