HSR.health's Pharmacy Desert analysis increases awareness of an often-overlooked healthcare access issue: that many Americans across the country lack basic access to pharmacies. We aim to identify those communities and publicize how geography can contribute to public health concerns. Our Pharmacy Desert analysis identifies multiple locations in the United States where pharmacy resources are severely deficient and may constitute a significant barrier to care for millions of Americans.
Pharmacy Care Desert Story Map
On average, Americans see their pharmacist more often than a primary care physician. However, pharmacies are disappearing from the US. In particular, mom and pop pharmacies are dwindling in numbers. Pharmacies are not evenly distributed across the United States, with regions of the country where the density of pharmacies is lower than recommended for optimal service to the community. Explore the locations of Pharmacy Clinics across the US.
View our Pharmacy Care Desert Story!Data Availability
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- Geo-JSON
- GeoParquet
- or other user-specified formats.